Planetside 2 nanoweave armor. 5x = Nanoweave The game felt a lot better when Nanoweave was widespread, especially with rough servers. Planetside 2 nanoweave armor

5x = Nanoweave The game felt a lot better when Nanoweave was widespread, especially with rough serversPlanetside 2 nanoweave armor  #10 Last edited by Tommyp2006, Nov 4, 2014

Se avete domande o dubbi lasciate pure un commento e se avete trovato utile la guida votatela. The Excursion Kukri is an 'anti-vehicle' knife. a cursory google search comes up with the number 625 in regards to melee damage, which suggest that 2 melee attacks will in fact always finish you off even if using nanoweave armor 5. 5 damage > flak armor resist 50% > 243. (Gives you 100 default shields, and at max 35% resistance to small arms which lets you survive sniper headshots). The lower ranks are not worth using) and Nanoweave Armor 5. They can be used on every class in every situation. Buy suit upgrades next, probably nanoweave. If a resistance is. Learn to read the map, and figure out where enemy armor is going to be active. Resist offers a maximum of 400 extra effective health, including when shot in the head but at the cost of losing the 20% damage resistance of nanoweave for torso/leg shots. 5% Rank 4 - 150 certs: 15% Rank 5 - 1000 certs: 20% Reminder: all classes except for Max and Infiltrator have 500 HP and 500 shields (infiltrators have 400 shields), for a total of 1000. It is auto granted at rank 5 to the Heavy Assault, at rank 1 to the Combat Medic, and is otherwise unlocked and upgraded using Certification Points. 65% resistance to small arms at the height of its infamy, if I recall. #2. 186 votes, 140 comments. Nanoweave protects against everything. So far, I've placed certs into Nanoweave Armor (rank 2) as well as Resist Shields (rank 2). . If you’re one of those people, you better have Flak Armor on, because sooner or later you’re bound to get exploded. Play second line-support at 50-70m also countersnipe. That being said. 143dmg 10m, 143-40% (57,2) = 85. To test: just how much damage Symbiote deals. Resist Shield is an ability available to the Heavy Assault. “ Let's not forget which one retains its 3-hit kill count against targets with Nanoweave armor and those at greater distances. Nanoweave Armor: Reduces bullet damage by 20%. In other words, it increases the potency of health and shields by 25%. #2. 13 votes, 71 comments. Gm 3 full armor compared to other native 500 supports. richardgaming. Implants: max catlike for the insane mobility and ammo printer as smgs tend to run out fast. to even the odds? 2. Wait for lvl 5 until BR25. No longer reduces movement speed. Max revive tool and regen device. While equipped, Nanoweave Armor reduces damage taken to the body from. Nerfed that about a year ago. Nanoweave effectively gives you 30-50% more time in almost every gun fight. First buy medkits, upgrade your class ability, get nanoweave armor if you don't play heavy assault. Class-specific suit slots are covered in. . 5% 10Also, remember that leg-shots deal 90% damage, and headshots deal 200% damage, so ensure all your shots are hitting the chest. On top of that, there's this suit item everyone can, and almost always do, use called nanoweave armor that gives you a 20% damage reduction to small arms fire, except for headshots. KupoRU. Engie + ASC + Aux shield + Bionocs + Survivalist = 6s downtime. If you're in doubt, go with Nanoweave. The Wiki says it does not stack, its only effective when the shield is inactive or depleted while on for example the iridar site tells that it does indeed stack with the overshields but not with the resist shield. Moreover, it would open up a suit slot (I usually run Shield Capacitor on medic to quicken the shield re-pop) where you can chose Nanoweave for some extra-tankiness or flak armor or anything else. It will also improve suit slot diversity. PlanetSide 2 Forums. The Nano-Armor Kit is a tool available to the Engineer. EMP bando gives you an ability to weaken big groups take down enemy spotters beacons turrets and so on. 4x) optic on it. everyone who is BR100 has gone through the game from low BR getting stomped. PlanetSide 2. If you empty an entire clip of your gun (carbine/AR) into somebody at around 30m, they most likely won't die unless. Nanoweave Armor is a suit slot enhancement available to all non-MAX classes. in planetside what kills you FAST is lack of situational awareness and bad positioning, no amount of nanoweave will save you. Resist shield and Nanoweave armor allows you to mitigate the incoming damage greatly. “ Nanoweave doesn't need to be removed, just brought back to where it was to make the other suit slots more viable options. First, flak armor was nerfed. 5% Rank 2 - 10 certs: 10% Rank 3 - 50 certs: 12. Step 3: Profit. Infiltrator: I would suggest against this for a new player. If you have extra certs. in a competitive environment or on ops probably resist shield + grenade bandolier (for dem concussions). Buy a gun with stationcash. soo yeah nanoweave armor gives u little bit resistance to small arm projectiles, does it mean it blocks bullets? i have fully upraged nanoweave armor and i take same amount. If I'm going to be fighting in a big group, I run the shield bubble and revive grenades. PlanetSide 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. With the medic you have the ability to heal yourself, with nanoweave armor and skilling up your ability a bit is pure win. #2. The only way to modify your armor is - Nanoweave armor (adds a % damage-resistance to non-headshots). I can't live without Nano right now, I only take it off when I. Heavy Assault is the backbone of Planetside 2's infantry forces, and is the go-to infantry choice for many veteran players. Very noticable difference when using it vs when using nanoweave. Plus I really like the idea of a teamwork oriented implant. Home Forums > PlanetSide 2 Discussion > PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion > Nanoweave armor as no place in a game like this ! Remoove or Make the shield recharge have a penalt. The Vanu HA starts with one of the best weapons (Orion) in the game so you won't need to upgrade. When activated, the Nano-Armor cloaking device cloaks the. Armor 9 , TTK has increased for 28. Nanoweave Armor 2 Health +12. lly1 lly1bot | Friendly neighborhood murder-toaster • 2 yr. Alle Diskussionen Screenshots Artworks Übertragungen Videos Neuigkeiten Guides Rezensionen. Suit slot: add Reinforced Helmet = 25% headshot resistance. Its less used than ammo belt and nanoweave loadouts though. 5%. Imagine if there was an implant (or armor slot) that increased your small arms damage output by 20%, would you not use that? Just remove it please, it's never a good idea to have something that just straight up boosts your health in the vast majority of situations, in a sandbox game like Planetside 2. PlanetSide 2 can have huge battles packed into small bases, and large groups of people tend to clump up in choke points. Below the line, you should turn it off. By default, non-infiltrators have 500 shields and 500 hp. Little weaker now that nanoweave got the speed reduction removed since you were 20% faster than anyone running nano but w/e. I am really happy about this. The kit can be used to repair any allied Vehicles, MAXes and Defectors, most deployables, Generators, and constructs, at. This effect only protects against small arms damage, not explosives. You have to. Home Forums > PlanetSide 2 Discussion > PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion > [Guide] Vanu [VS] Heavy Loadout/Weapons. The whole Rambo thing is cool in theory but usually doing that just gets me killed. The shield remains active for up to 15 seconds, based on the rank of the ability. Fairly limited effect, but you may survive anther bullet or two - Flak armor. 5 is only 200 certs to get compared to the level 5 nanoweave armor which is 1000 certs. Just doesn't stack when you're cloaked. Yes the movement reduction is annoying but with a nanowaeave you do boost your survivability by a bit which is noticeable during most fights with and without it. implant1: JOCKEY (IMPORTANT) implant2: EOD hud (or something else) flash: gun: renegade if you really want to fuck up infantry. Ability: Nano armor cloak. Nanoweave Armor, Revive Grenade, C4, Combat Surgeon, and either Battle Hardened or Assimilate. And to assume that everyone who wears the current version of Nanoweave has "no-skill" is a bit short sighted. Carry 2 additional grenades 500 Nanoweave Armor 1 Health +10% 1 Nanoweave Armor 2 Health +12. PlanetSide 2 Forums. Medical Kits will unlock for all non-MAX classes simultaneously, similar to Restoration Kits, as will all upgrades. Nanoweave Armor reduces incoming small arms damage by a percentage, rank / cost / effect: Rank 1 - 1 cert: 7. TTK has increased 1. So we raise HE splash to 1300 so that you cannot survive it using Nanoweave. Combine the 3-4hit kill potential with clientside hit detection and it can seem like people just outright delete you with no chance to retaliate. While I try and play as sneaky as I can, there's always that one heavy that sees you and starts shooting, and nanoweave will give you the time to turn around and. It is unlocked and upgraded using Certification Points. 2 sec like many games weapons damage value dosent really matter no more but in a 0. It makes you completely immune to the effect of the new EMP (except vision scramble) so that's an extra bonus right there. Nanoweave Armor will give you as much help and love than your mummy and you cat ever did. Home Forums > PlanetSide 2 Discussion > PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion > Nanoweave armor as no place in a game like this ! Remoove or Make the shield recharge have a penaltYour DPI should be at 800- it makes mouse movements more fluid. 3. Likewise, I believe nanoweave doesn't stack with the resist shield (either 12% from nanoweave or 45% from Resist shield, never both), so there's really no point in using the two together. Nanoweave does not protect against headshots at all. It is unlocked and upgraded using Certification Points. You either use nanoweave or you are gimped. Buy the Night Vision scope for your Orion. So, I've really taken a liking to the heavy assault class. I've been calling for SOE to take a closer look at the balance of bolt action rifles particularly with regards to nanoweave armor SINCE APRIL, which had been causing head shots to be blocked from ridiculous ranges (worst case was 30m with a suppressed bolt driver/m77b/xm98 against a NW5 target). I personally like nanoweave for more headshot protection although grenade defense is valuable as well. It makes you completely immune to the effect of the new EMP (except vision scramble) so that's an extra bonus right there. I think you get 1 shot by snipers to the body if your not wearing it. if you constantly keep moving horizontally and upgrade nanoweave, you will be - relatively - safe from most shots, because they will result in misses. @planetside2. Adrenaline Shield is an ability available to the Heavy Assault. PlanetSide 2 Forums. Grenade bandolier and flak armor (point holds and grenade spam) can be useful in specific situations too. Home Forums > PlanetSide 2 Discussion > PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion > Nanoweave armor as no place in a game like this ! Remoove or Make the shield recharge have a penaltI was wondering what people like to build their infiltrators for the more down and dirty combat play and not with a stalker cloak. this is why headshots from high powered weapons can still kill you in 1 shot. 186 votes, 140 comments. 1. PlanetSide 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. It is unlocked and upgraded using Certification Points. Nanoweave Armour, one of the more controversial aspects of infantry customization in the game saw an update in the Arsenal Update. Flanker Armor increases resistance to C4, ensuring that two bricks will not be able to kill a Main Battle Tank. If a resistance is positive (eg. Its a big brain pick. Rank 2 nano-regen device, it's 1 cert. Ammunition Belt (Suit Slot) Ammunition Belt now increases the reload speed of primary and secondary weapon slots by 15%, on top of its existing benefits. If you really need to know: Heavy: The MSWR. For your suit module, you have many choices (Nanoweave is the safe choice), but my personal favorite is actually Adrenaline Pump. Flanker Armor increases resistance to C4, ensuring that two bricks will not be able to kill a Main Battle Tank. Nanoweave Armor 2 Health +12. Nanoweave Armor. In exchange, the. Here is a list of recommendations that you can't go wrong with that are cheap and effective. Charge Ability - A former "Ability" that allowed MAX's to sprint short distances prior to removal that has now been balanced. With no extra indirect damage in comparison to the capability of the Archer. Resist, ASC/bando, and default gun/Carv-S with a good squad. Full Nanoweave + Robotics Technician 4 or 5 = 60% of damage taken from bullets. PlanetSide 2 Forums. I'm wondering where to place my certifications for an optimal build. PlanetSide 2 Forums. There is comming a change to nanoweave armor, so hopefully this will help offset some of the headshot to body shot ratio. 2) Adrenaline Shield functions identically to NMG, the only difference is in how its energy is restored: passive energy recovery of Adrenaline is slower, but getting kills instantly restores a small amount of energy. Nanoweave Armor: This one will reduce all small arms fire damage by 20% (effective hp/shield goes from 900->1125). Since a player has 500 health and 500 shield, we easily know that nanoweave armor increases health by 625, bringing total EHP to 1125, or a 12. 4x) optic on it. Heavy Assaults are bruisers of PlanetSide 2, tough as nails and with a lot of firepower. If you want the maximum power in single 1v1s, go for Nanoweave. This is a must-have item. Ammunition Belt (Suit Slot) Ammunition Belt now increases the reload speed of primary and secondary weapon slots by 15%, on top of its. Home Forums > PlanetSide 2 Discussion > Class Discussions > Heavy Assault >. Avoid heavies and medics if possible, because you likely will not kill them, no matter how incompetent they are. Nanoweave Armour is without a doubt the most impactful suit slot, and has continued to be so during the entirely of Planetside 2's life cycle. Kunavi. Personally I run nanoweave with the default nanite mesh generator (which absorbs fall damage as well). Nanoweave Armor will be your best friend because of its resists. Level 5 of Nanoweave grants 250 extra health, which is basically NW5 AND Flak 2. Nanoweave and Kinetic. ago. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. . As someone else pointed out, a lot of stalkers use Commish and Nanoweave gets you one more bullet - which is a big deal with that particular gun. This thread is an attempt to gather as many different playstyles in Planetside 2 as possible. I suggest to rework most suit so they really be sidegrade when compared to nanoweave or flak armor. Nanoweave Armor #2 - contains two tables: 1) the table with BTKs at different ranges. FateJH. Does Nanoweave Armor stack with Nanite Mesh Generator / Adrenaline Shield? There seems to be different sources. If you're just going to run into a room from and odd location and shotgun blast. Carapace implant. New nanoweave effect on snipers didn't change in the slightest. PlanetSide 2. For starters, Nanoweave and Flak armor are a must-have for any players, dependent on what the combat situation requires. Step 2: Enjoy 5 seconds of cloak while sprinting to point of heavily-camped triple-stick. No longer reduces movement speed. Rank 1 Nanoweave now reduces sniper rifle damage received by 20%, instead of small arms. Now, I think removing nanoweave armor will be enough to reduce the gap between new player and veterans. Fiberweave armor adds resistance to the health. nmg shield and nanoweave armor (I've only tried nmg and resist, nmg seems like a good all rounder shield) In tower fights (and close quarter fight bases), I ditch the forward grip and throw on the laser. They should divide up the resistance stats across all the weapon types and change the way Nanoweave affects these. military1428 Oct 9, 2014 @ 5:58pm. Main weapon: Armistice with extendes magazine. (since currentlynano is the go-to) The headshot multiplier reduction to x1,5 will just make salty veterans angry but will only reduce the TTK gap by 0,1-0,15 sec. First buy medkits, upgrade your class ability, get nanoweave armor if you don't play heavy assault. 5. CORRECTIONS! Keep your annotations on! There. The KTR-3's name appears to be a reference to a katar or kiddari, a type of punching dagger native to India that was used for puncturing armor. #1. 4. Level 5 of Nanoweave grants 250 extra health, which is basically NW5 AND Flak 2. Hardpoint and softpoint ammos now serve a larger purpose in character building. 143dmg 10m, 1000hp/143= 6. The shield can absorb. defense: nanoweave armor. . get 50 certs and unlock the mobile spawn point utility for a sunderer. Flak armor is really only useful for engineers. Nanoweave Armor 2: 10c Increase health by 12. get back previous state of Nanoweave Armor (e. it doesn’t stack with Nanoweave and Flak Armor, but it says nothing about symbiote. and removed the only reason why Infiltrators actually took a shine. Now that both Nanoweave armor and the Resist shield both provide resistance modifiers (instead of. NMG ties an unbroken adrenaline shield at 11s of regen, and a broken adrenaline shield at 8s. Go with Nanoweave 5. The lvl 5 versions are expensive. Subreddit for the Planetside Franchise, a series of games developed by Rogue…Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meshblorg, Jul 17, 2014. I'd recommend the Rebel; 2 shot kill on everyone except 3 on heavy with shield. "Problem" (if you consider it a problem) was that Bolt. They can outlast any other infantry class, and have an answer to any threat. there probably are other combinations as I’m not familiar enough with all the minute aspects of every playstyle in Planetside 2 to claim that these are the only ones. Nanoweave Armor 2 Health +12. 186 votes, 140 comments. EDIT: Severely misunderstood the post, thought you were just advocating to add the Bonuses of Flak 1 to nanoweave. Cost: 50 certs. I'm wondering where to place my certifications for an optimal build. For suit mod do I want Sprint, Shield Capacity, Nanoweave, or chameleon. When activated, the nanite mesh generator applies a damage absorption overshield to the user which consumes energy to absorb an equal amount of damage, using the user's own resists to dictate damage received. RevergenceYou will notice three worksheets: Nanoweave Armor #1 - contains the table with bullet damage at different ranges. Normally I prefer flak armor. Always concs. Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 4 hours. Planetside 2 - Quick Tips 5 Heavy Assault. Response Jacket is objectively a better implant. When holding a point, what kills my squad-mates most are grenades, C4, proxy-mines, and tank spam. Yes, you can eventually get to the point where you take 20% reduced damage from small-arms fire with Nanoweave armor. PlanetSide 2 Forums. 3-4 levels of Flak Armor (suit) UPDATE: As of 03/05/2014, Nanoweave Armor no longer stacks with Nanoarmor Cloaking. In other words, it increases the potency of health and shields by 25%. Planetside 2 is what I THOUGHT Planetside was going. The idea to change it to 2. Move in a way so that you're always near cover, and never engage without it. ) bodyshot - not a headshot or legshot. Works with Flak Armor and Nanoweave Armor (they reduce incoming damage before it is absorbed by NMG. If you're a Squad Leader trying to plant a spawn beacon at the highest point of tower, than Nano-weave armor will help get you there. So it is better paired with the nanoweave armor ( health increase) or flak armor if you are facing alot of explsoive ordenance and perhaps first aid certification. About. You won't benefit from Nano Armor when. It's not worth 1K over Nanoweave 4 in my opinion, but then if you're using your HA often, it's always a little thing more. It takes 2-7 AV mines (specialized anti vehicle device) to kill a sundy while 2-3 c4 will do it ( generalized device). I'm trying to figure out what is the best loadout. 5% 10 Nanoweave Armor 3 Health +15% 50 Nanoweave Amroe 4 Health +20% 150PlanetSide 2 Forums. Nanoweave Armor (Suit Slot) Rank 1 Nanoweave now reduces Sniper Rifle (resist type 20) damage received by 20%, instead of Small Arms (resist type 2). It's reliable and easy to use. Rumor of their presence has become synonymous with unease and paranoia,. It can move very fast. PlanetSide 2 Forums. Two specific weapons stand out for this, being the TR Mini-chaingun and the VS VE-H Maw. I combined the GD 66 Claw pump action shotgun with the NS 44 L blackhand. no -10% speed reduction, because the speed reduction is made in favour of snipers) 2. The only way nanoweave could be remotely acceptable is if they returned it to extra health but added a considerable movement penalty. The HA's overshield acts like a slightly stronger. Estimated downtime is 3 hours. NMG does work with Flak Armor, and it even absorbs fall damage. Nanoweave Armor will be your best friend because of its resists. 1%. Moreover, it would open up a suit slot (I usually run Shield Capacitor on medic to quicken the shield re-pop) where you can chose Nanoweave for some extra-tankiness or flak armor or anything else. Basically, the lower your sensitivity, the more you need to move your mouse around, but the easier it is to aim and the easier it becomes to compensate for hard recoil patterns. But it is also possible to use certification points to acquire nanoweave fibre or something like that which will reduce the damage dealt by all handheld guns in the game. get back previous state of Nanoweave Armor (e. 5 sec reduction in shield regen time? or 20% extra HP. I think you're over-representing the capability of the hardware. HA with resist shield already doesn't use nanoweave. Commissioner is a consistent 2 headshot kill against any HA, and a consistent 3 bodyshot kill against full nanoweave armor, whereas Underbooss cannot 2 headshot a full health Resist HA, and a will need an extra bodyshot against Nanoweave. Leaders of legacy NSO Outfits can now permanently align their Outfit to a. A flat HP increase is not something that should be in this game. Dev Note: We're aware that this change has been discussed a fair deal in the community recently, and are open to making modifications in. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Unlock and use your Medical kits as often as possible. Max nanoweave gives 20% damage reduction from bullets. utility: aux shield. cert into Nanoweave and shields (standard NMG is good enough) then get a scope and grip for the CARV; then max out your nanoweave and shields. An example would be: Level 1 = Reduces dmg from Pistols and SMGs by 20% Level 2 = Reduces dmg from Carbines and Shotguns by 15%1. 25If heavy assault can hold weapons with both hands, it's really too strong. BlindWitness Oct 9, 2014 @ 11:11am. Assuming, of course, the next instance of damage you take is a small arms (etc. WarmasterRaptor, Jul 4, 2014 #3. See above plus: Weapons - PlanetSide 2 (fisu. 75 damage so in other words if they stacked it would be a temporary 75% resistance to explosives capping out at 20 seconds if the implant is maxxed. Flak armor is also very much worth it considering you will generally be on the edge of explosions constantly. Rank 1 Nanoweave now reduces Sniper Rifle (resist type 20) damage received by 20%, instead of Small Arms (resist type 2). Nanoweave Armor. When activated, the Nano-Armor cloaking device cloaks the user turning them partially invisible, while clearing any spots on them and preventing any further spots from being applied. Unlocking Nanoweave Armor should be your focus. Restoration kits. I think you're over-representing the capability of the hardware. You really need to try it. It's…Nano-Armor Cloaking is an ability available to the Infiltrator. So the difference in TTK is (9-1)*refire_rate / (4-1)*refire_rate. See moreNanoweave Armor. . It's… Aug 27, 2015 @ 10:51pm. Nanoweave mitigates 1-2 bullet shots, which directly increases survivability. Now that both Nanoweave armor and the Resist shield both provide resistance modifiers (instead of the old Nanoweave's. I'll answer you when you answer when ps4 gets valentines day at the least, or fix the time. Nanoweave Armour, one of the more controversial aspects of infantry customization in the game saw an update in the Arsenal Update. Do you have to 'equip' nanoweave armor? This might be the most stupid question, but I've noticed certain vocabulary being used describing nanoweave, and while playing, I don't. Just buy attachments and such. Nanoweave armor will no longer provide that 20% damage reduction to small arms fire. 2. PlanetSide 2 isn’t a typical FPS game and neither of the above is a valid limiter given the size of our world and the scale of our battles. 5. The implant did not reduce the damage, the trigger did not start, nothing. Resist Shield isn't as good as it used to be and it's also difficult to use. 2. Nanoweave Armor (Suit Slot) Equipping Nanoweave now reduces base movement speed by 10%, and Heavy Assault Shields are no longer affected by Nanoweave's resistance reductions. I am really happy about this. It just ups your resistance to boolets. Every wave of newbies Miller has had in the last few months, have been, through no fault of their own easy pray, why they don't have nano-weave at a significant level. Nanoweave armor protects (adds resistance) to the users regen shield. What's the point of the level 5 nanoweave armor now?. Even though Rebirthing technology has nearly eliminated the concept of fear on Auraxis, the Infiltrator remains one of the few things soldiers still dread. Knowledge is power. Though the exact "real" EHP over the duration of an engagement with NMG is hard to nail down due to how it decays. This is a massive idea and would change the game a lot, so maybe save it for planetside 3. Nanoweave Armor. After the nanoweave nerf flack armor is the best suit equipment to pick. The starting guns are fantastic. 8 = 0. removing both nanoweave and ASC is the best option, then giving new players like 2 medkits. Get the first two ranks of Nanoweave armor. Its effectiveness goes down with the amount of hp you have left. DashRendar , Jan 29, 2014. Redeploy by pressing U. It is auto-granted at rank 5 to the Engineer, and is otherwise unlocked and upgraded using Certification Points. 6% 2. I should know, I use it, and still get OHK'd occasionally via head shot. Usually enough to require one. Next take the first Med kit and use your infantry resources to build a stockpile. Page 3 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3. Also, the head does not gain any benefit from nanoweave armor, but I'm not certain if overshields. WarmasterRaptor. At one point I was testing the EM6 (167 damage @10m ) and 3 headshots ( [ [167*2]*3]=1002 Damage) was leaving the targets with minimal health. This is normal. PlanetSide 2 is an all-out planetary war, where thousands of players battle as one across enormous continents while utilizing infantry, ground &amp; air vehicles, and teamwork to destroy your. I've also purchased the TMG-50 and slapped the HDS (3. Still applies if the headshot ratio is brought back to 2, rather than the nanoweave-inflated 2. then nanoweave, incase some people come hunting you, stalkers especially. Shield works if you can get kills in quick succession, but is only useful from rank 4, it works with most suit slots, nanoweave is the first choice though. CryptoIf my calculations are correct , then Nanoweave armor favored weapon with a smaller dmg Nanoweave armor LV5 increases the amount of small arms resistance for 20 %, Then we get the following Orion VS54 vs NC6 Gauss Saw : 1. The shield remains active for up to 15 seconds, based on the. And the A-Tross should be renamed "The Typewriter" for its RoF and shooting sounds. The effect of Nanoweave is applied only after your overshield is down. Infantry, where no modifiers such as Nanoweave Armor or Flak Armor are in play, have no resistances and will receive 100% of the damage from any attack. Nanoweave armor does give you a noticeable edge in a gunfight. This is useful if you want to calculate for headshots or nanoweave armor / kinetic armor. But what does it mean for. Medic: The TAR or the Cyclone TRV.